Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (2024)

Have you ever past a smoothie bar and just been unable to resist stopping to buy one? Have you ever kept your blender out on your counter for weeks at a time, making tasty healthy smoothies everyday? Or maybe you just wish you did both of these things because while you really want to drink more smoothies, you just don’t know if they are healthy or what to try. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, then you need to read this article all about fitting amazing, low carb smoothies into your everyday life.

Smoothies are simply a versatile and delicious food. They are perfect for breakfast, lunch or just as a tasty snack in between meals. You could even have a smoothie as a dessert at night! Not many foods are so flexible that they fit into every food group. Smoothies can also be made with a wide range of ingredients like fresh fruits, vegetables and even chocolate. With some many available ingredient options, smoothies almost always come out incredibly delicious. How is that possible?! You may be wondering if you are even allowed to have such an awesome food while on a low carb diet. The answer is yes! There are plenty of low carb smoothies that are perfect for you and most are a breeze to whip up. They really are almost too good to be true.

It may not be surprising now to learn that low-carb smoothies are a popular addition to almost any diet plan. Whether you are eating a low fat diet, sticking strictly to low carb or are trying some more complex method of weight loss, smoothies most likely still fit into your dietary regimen. Once again, there aren’t many foods that can truly be so well rounded and accessible to everyone!

Now that we have taken a brief look at how smoothies are such a versatile food (seriously, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack or dessert- how is that possible?!?), it is time to take a look at what actually goes into a smoothie and does it even taste good. Without good taste, what good is a smoothie, right?! However, it isn’t just that these healthy drinks are often full of fresh ingredients, but they also taste great while still being low carb which can sometimes be a hard thing to do.

The absolute best part about making and drinking smoothies is that there are so many different types of smoothies you can make that you will never grow tired of drinking the same thing over and over again. You could probably have a different type of smoothie everyday for years without having to repeat the same one. It’s true, there is just so many flavor combinations, ingredients you can add and recipes you can follow that you might never need the same one twice. This is also beneficial for those picky eaters out there. If you hate strawberries, just skip them! If you are a no-go when it comes to chocolate, just move onto the next smoothie recipe. There really is one to please everyone!

Besides taste preferences when choosing a smoothie, many people take general nutrition into consideration which is a very important thing to do, especially if you are planning on sticking to a low carb diet and making smoothies a central part of this. Of course, you are likely to choose a low carb smoothie based on your low carb diet, but what else can smoothies offer? With the ability to blend almost anything into your cup, what ingredients will give you the most benefits? What types of things can you toss into that blender to really make your smoothie delicious and nutritious?

Of course, chocolate and vanilla are always a great choice for flavor and are among the most popular smoothies around. Yet, you can mix some things into your chocolate or vanilla smoothie as well. Just a plain chocolate or vanilla smoothie isn’t going to get you too far on the health food scale and while they may be low carb, you should still take a look at the things you can add to make it even better for you. Besides, you are already tossing ingredients into the blender, you might as well add a few more and make that blender work harder to keep you healthier!

Adding fresh fruit, for example, is always a perfect addition to a smoothie. Blueberries, for example, will give your smoothie a delicious taste, antioxidants and provide a natural sweetness as well. When adding fruits, you really don’t need to add much, if any, sweeteners to your smoothie which also means less carbs and less refined sugar. Fruit provides tons of health benefits and it also gives you that real, authentic sweetness that you may be craving when on a low carb diet.

One other little trick that is great about using fruit in smoothie is that if you freeze the fruit first before adding them to the smoothie, you will also get a nice creamy texture that just can’t be beat! The fruit purees nice and fluffy when frozen giving your smoothie volume, texture as well as taste. No ice needed when you use frozen fruit! So now you are surely convinced that fruit is necessary in any low carb smoothie you make. But what else is there? WHat other smoothie tricks do you need to know?

It may surprise you to know that adding vegetables to a smoothie is also a fantastic idea. Leafy greens are among the most popular options as they are typically subtle in flavor and high in nutrition. Energy-enhancing ingredients like kale or spinach will give your smoothie a serious nutritional boost and also taste pretty great. If you blend up some baby spinach in with a berry smoothie, the berries are so dark, you won’t even know the sinach is there! Have anyone taste test your smoothie and it is almost guaranteed that no one will know you put vegetables inside. Leafy greens are also so easy to just toss into the blender raw and mix right in with your other ingredients. It’s so easy, how could you pass that up! Anytime nutrition is simple, it is a total win.

TrustedBody has a great guide on which green superfood powders you can choose from to easily boost the nutrition of your smoothie without having to have fresh fruits and veggies on hand at all times. The goal of a smoothie is to help you get a lot of nutrients in one quick meal and a simple way to do this is to add a powdered supplement. There are plenty out there to choose from which is why it is good to do a little research first and choose the one that is best for you. Take a look at reviews that may grade how healthy the supplement is and what is in it that you may be interested in. If you are trying to add protein to your diet, there are plenty of supplement powders you can add to your smoothie that are packed with protein. Need a little more vitamin D? You can easily find a tasty powder to add to your smoothie that will greatly improve your vitamin count. Adding a powdered supplement couldn’t be easier to do. It is actually just like a well-balanced meal in a glass!

Drinking smoothies every day helps you ensure that you are getting essential vitamins without having to take a pill or supplement. This is especially true if you opt to add one of those tasty nutrition powders to your mix. You’ll be sipping on pure nutrition in no time! Of course, if you are not a big fan of powdered additives, natural nutrition is always a better option and you will be enjoying fresh fruits and veggies at the same time. It’s a win-win!

One more bonus about smoothies is that they are also very kid-friendly. Most kids will look at a smoothie and automatically think it is a milkshake and, therefore, dive right in with their straw ready! Because of this kid friendly factor, you can sneak some nutrition into your kids diet and, all the while, they will just think they are drinking a sweet snack. This makes them a favorite among families with little ones who don’t want to eat their vegetables at dinner- just mix up a smoothie! Toss some kale in with those berries, hit blend and you will be armed with a glass full of nutrition that your kid will slurp down!

Each of the smoothies on this list is at least a little sweet and always refreshing, so they can be enjoyed by just about anyone. No one is going to turn down a nice, cold refreshing smoothie, not even the pickiest of kids! So get as much nutrition as you can into that glass and then hand it to your kid, knowing that you just gave them some great nutrition.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of taking out the blender, day after day just to make your smoothies, don’t feel bad at all. It is a daunting task to have to make a healthy smoothie day in and day out. What is fantastic is that you can actually make your smoothies ahead of time. That’s right, pre-made smoothies that are low carb, taste amazing, can be loaded up with nutritious foods and will be slurped down by kids- a dream come true!

To pre make your smoothies you have to start by making a big batch of one of the smoothies on this list. Drink one smoothie right away after you blend (you know you want to!) and then pour the rest into ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can leave the smoothie in the ice cube trays or move the frozen cubes into plastic zip lock bags to free up some freezer space.

Keep the smoothie ice cubes in the freezer and whenever you are ready, just pull out a few smoothie cubes and blend. Your smoothie will be ready in no time!

If you made a little too much smoothie, try freezing the extra smoothie in popsicle molds and then eat they like an ice pop rather than drinking them from a straw. This method is just one more way to put smoothies above all others are an ideal food! Share your homemade popsicles with your kids ( a great way to cool down in the summer and get that nutrition into them while they just believe it is a regular old popsicle!

If you find a recipe that you really like for an amazing low carb smoothie, one that checks all your boxes for nutrition, taste and ease of making, make note of it! Write the recipe on a piece of paper and hang it in the fridge so you never forget (although you will likely make it so many times that you no longer need instructions.). Finding your ideal smoothie recipe shouldn’t take long and once you have it, you can really begin making smoothies part of your everyday routine, especially since you really should enjoy your smoothie and look forward to drinking it. Feel free to make a few slight alterations to your favorite smoothie recipe to really make it your own. A few chia seeds here or a handful of kale there, little changes will make the recipe even better and one you can really call your own.

Now, we have talked a lot about making your own smoothies and what to put in them and you are probably feeling like you have a good handle on that topic and are ready to start blending up some of these recipes, but what if you are out, away from your home, and were craving a smoothie? Then what should you do? The answer is simple- buy one!

There are plenty of great smoothie places you can go to get a healthy and cool treat anytime you need one. Thanks to the popularity of smoothies, smoothie bars and restaurants or coffee shops that serve smoothies are everywhere. Before placing your order, just be sure to really assess the ingredients and know what you will be drinking. Since you didn’t blend it yourself, you want to be sure you are really drinking something that has a lot of nutrition packed in.

Hidden sugars are one of the biggest culprits in store made smoothies and something you need to be cautious of. You don’t want to start sipping on a smoothie, thinking it tastes especially good for a low carb drink, just to find out that it is loaded with sugars (no wonder it tasted so great!). Ask the staff at the smoothie bar what is in the smoothie and make sure you get all the information.

Many smoothie bars actually let you customize your drink rather than just sticking to those on the menu. When you find a lace like this, take advantage! Add those extra flaxseeds to your drink and request a handful of spinach as well as a few extra berries. You are paying for the smoothie so it better have everything you want in it.

So, that is probably enough smoothie talk for you for a while but to really understand the potential of smoothie, it is important to look at them from all different angles. The bottom line is that they are delicious, versatile, nutritious and easy to make. And by now you are most likely craving a smoothie (how could you not be after all that talk about how amazing they are?!?).

Finally, it’s time to take a look at the best low carb smoothies out there and see which ones catch your eye! Time to learn more about some of the best smoothie ingredients as well as you explore these popular recipes (which fruits and veggies seem to be in almost every smoothie recipe?? Those are the ones you want to stick to and keep your eye out for when shopping for a smoothie in a store) .

Maybe, after all of this smoothie research, trials and errors and taste tests, you will start mixing up your own smoothie creations. Maybe one that you make and write about will end up on this list in the future. Maybe your low carb smoothie really is better than all the others. If so, keep blending it up! You really never need to go a day without having a smoothie…

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (1)

1. Green-Low-Carb Breakfast Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (2)

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Are you tired of getting your breakfast protein from eggs or maybe you have an egg allergy and need an alternative source of protein? This green breakfast low-carb smoothie is more on the savory side than the sweet but is still so tasty! This beverage provides at least 25 grams of protein per serving. The protein is from the addition of chia seeds and Isopure Zero Carb supplemental powder. It is loaded with fiber and nutrients from vegetables and non-sweet fruits, such as avocado. The avocado and coconut oil provide healthy fats and a creamy texture. For a caffeine kick you can add the optional green matcha, a green tea powder. A perfect blend to start your day!

2. Low-Carb Mint Chip Protein Shake

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (3)

This shake is inspired by mint chocolate chip ice cream- who can resist that! The recipe calls for ice so that this can be served really cold, just like a frozen dessert. In fact, this shake would be a perfect substitute for a bowl of cold creamy low-carb ice cream. It is thickened with green avocado and topped with very dark chocolate chunks to give it the same texture as the dessert it emulates. Food grade peppermint essential oil or using peppermint extract that imparts the minty flavor. This essential oil is beneficial for proper digestion. Eating this shake with a spoon is encouraged- it is so thick that you will want to!

3. Creamy Keto Cinnamon Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (4)

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If you are on a ketogenic diet plan, or just want an easy low-carb meal on-the-go, the Creamy Keto Cinnamon Smoothie couldn’t simpler to make. Coconut milk and a vegetable based protein powder are the main ingredients. Cinnamon gives it a sweet and spicy essence that is perfect for the cold weather season. Cinnamon has the added benefit of being an antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial spice. So, drink up if you are feeling under the weather- you’ll be better in no time!. At 4.7 grams of net carbohydrates, this is one of the best low-carb smoothie recipes.

Related: Learn to Make Muffins like a Pro-Chef

4. Low-Carb Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (5)

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Cheesecake is a decadent, full fat, sweet, and filling dessert. This smoothie hits all those marks but without the carbohydrates in the graham cracker crust. If you want to fill up and fuel up in a hurry then this smoothie will get the job done. There is no skimping on the cream cheese and heavy cream as that is the signature of a great cheesecake. The strawberries, reminiscent of classic fruit topped cheesecakes, are the sweet component in this recipe. There is no sugar or sugar substitute- perfect for low carb dessert dieters!

5. Chai Infused Pumpkin Keto Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (6)

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Pumpkin and chai tea are the scents and flavors of autumn that inspire us to either go outside and rake leaves or bundle up next to a cozy fire with a good book. This pumpkin pie smoothie recipe is likely to get you up and moving with the kick from the spiced tea. While it is fueled by fat, it still manages to be 100% vegan and free of common allergens, such as nuts and dairy. It is perfect for a pre-workout on a fall morning. The original recipe was made fresh, organic, non-GMO pumpkin. You can also substitute canned pumpkin purée for convenience which will help you make this delicious treat in just a matter of minutes.

6. Strawberry and Cucumber Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (7)

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There is something so refreshing about the combination of strawberries and cucumbers, especially on a hot summer day. This is a low-fat and low-carb smoothie recipe that is reminiscent of a sorbet but it isn’t thick and creamy. Fresh basil is added to give it an herbal infusion and a nice extra flavor. Mint could be just as easily used in place of the basil with a slightly different flavor profile. This smoothie would quench your thirst and rejuvenate you after a cardio workout. The coconut water base will replenish any electrolytes you depleted while exercising, too.

7. Key Lime Pie Protein Shake

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (8)

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Here is another fruit smoothie that tastes more like a dessert than a healthy shake- perfect for breakfast or dessert! With only 180 calories and 36 grams of protein per serving, this tasty treat is a great post-workout snack. Unlike other low carb smoothies, this drink relies more on vanilla protein powder, cottage cheese, stevia and xanthan gum to add flavor (and a delicious flavor at that!). Just add lime juice and a little bit of vanilla instant pudding to get a truly flavorful smoothie that is hard to pass up.

8. Low-Carb Cucumber Green Tea Detox Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (9)

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Did you over-indulge during the weekend? Try a detox smoothie, like this one. It is about as clean as it gets! There is no sugar or dairy in this Monday morning cleansing drink. Cucumber and lemon are both wonderful liver detoxifiers. The matcha powder has the oomph you might need to get moving. The avocado provides both texture and the healthy monounsaturated fat needed to sustain you. Talk about having everything you need in one glass! For a more savory smoothie, just omit the liquid stevia.

9. Instant Frozen Coffee Pudding

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (10)

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Does the name of this smoothie peak your curiosity? Who doesn’t want to eat a smoothie with a spoon? And, why does coffee pudding just sound so good? Maybe it is because coffee isn’t a typical pudding ingredient. The secret to this recipe having a pudding like texture is the addition of glucomannan. Glucomannan is the water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of the konjac plant and it is basically a natural thickening agent (of course, low carb too!). This smoothie is coffee, chocolate, and caramel goodness that you just have to try.

10. Strawberries and Cream Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (11)

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Want to learn how to make a smoothie the right way? Try combining two classic ingredients in a blender. The Strawberries and Cream Smoothie is the perfect low-carb smoothie, combining plenty of frozen strawberries with just a little bit of milk or cream. This basic smoothie can easily be sweetened with stevia or agave or nothing at all if your strawberries are sweet enough. If you want a smoothie that is super easy to make and tastes amazing, look no further than Strawberries and Cream!

More low-carb smoothie recipes on the next page…

Have you ever past a smoothie bar and just been unable to resist stopping to buy one? Have you ever kept your blender out on your counter for weeks at a time, making tasty healthy smoothies everyday? Or maybe you just wish you did both of these things because while you really want to drink more smoothies, you just don’t know if they are healthy or what to try. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, then you need to read this article all about fitting amazing, low carb smoothies into your everyday life.

Smoothies are simply a versatile and delicious food. They are perfect for breakfast, lunch or just as a tasty snack in between meals. You could even have a smoothie as a dessert at night! Not many foods are so flexible that they fit into every food group. Smoothies can also be made with a wide range of ingredients like fresh fruits, vegetables and even chocolate. With some many available ingredient options, smoothies almost always come out incredibly delicious. How is that possible?! You may be wondering if you are even allowed to have such an awesome food while on a low carb diet. The answer is yes! There are plenty of low carb smoothies that are perfect for you and most are a breeze to whip up. They really are almost too good to be true.

It may not be surprising now to learn that low-carb smoothies are a popular addition to almost any diet plan. Whether you are eating a low fat diet, sticking strictly to low carb or are trying some more complex method of weight loss, smoothies most likely still fit into your dietary regimen. Once again, there aren’t many foods that can truly be so well rounded and accessible to everyone!

Now that we have taken a brief look at how smoothies are such a versatile food (seriously, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack or dessert- how is that possible?!?), it is time to take a look at what actually goes into a smoothie and does it even taste good. Without good taste, what good is a smoothie, right?! However, it isn’t just that these healthy drinks are often full of fresh ingredients, but they also taste great while still being low carb which can sometimes be a hard thing to do.

The absolute best part about making and drinking smoothies is that there are so many different types of smoothies you can make that you will never grow tired of drinking the same thing over and over again. You could probably have a different type of smoothie everyday for years without having to repeat the same one. It’s true, there is just so many flavor combinations, ingredients you can add and recipes you can follow that you might never need the same one twice. This is also beneficial for those picky eaters out there. If you hate strawberries, just skip them! If you are a no-go when it comes to chocolate, just move onto the next smoothie recipe. There really is one to please everyone!

Besides taste preferences when choosing a smoothie, many people take general nutrition into consideration which is a very important thing to do, especially if you are planning on sticking to a low carb diet and making smoothies a central part of this. Of course, you are likely to choose a low carb smoothie based on your low carb diet, but what else can smoothies offer? With the ability to blend almost anything into your cup, what ingredients will give you the most benefits? What types of things can you toss into that blender to really make your smoothie delicious and nutritious?

Of course, chocolate and vanilla are always a great choice for flavor and are among the most popular smoothies around. Yet, you can mix some things into your chocolate or vanilla smoothie as well. Just a plain chocolate or vanilla smoothie isn’t going to get you too far on the health food scale and while they may be low carb, you should still take a look at the things you can add to make it even better for you. Besides, you are already tossing ingredients into the blender, you might as well add a few more and make that blender work harder to keep you healthier!

Adding fresh fruit, for example, is always a perfect addition to a smoothie. Blueberries, for example, will give your smoothie a delicious taste, antioxidants and provide a natural sweetness as well. When adding fruits, you really don’t need to add much, if any, sweeteners to your smoothie which also means less carbs and less refined sugar. Fruit provides tons of health benefits and it also gives you that real, authentic sweetness that you may be craving when on a low carb diet.

One other little trick that is great about using fruit in smoothie is that if you freeze the fruit first before adding them to the smoothie, you will also get a nice creamy texture that just can’t be beat! The fruit purees nice and fluffy when frozen giving your smoothie volume, texture as well as taste. No ice needed when you use frozen fruit! So now you are surely convinced that fruit is necessary in any low carb smoothie you make. But what else is there? WHat other smoothie tricks do you need to know?

It may surprise you to know that adding vegetables to a smoothie is also a fantastic idea. Leafy greens are among the most popular options as they are typically subtle in flavor and high in nutrition. Energy-enhancing ingredients like kale or spinach will give your smoothie a serious nutritional boost and also taste pretty great. If you blend up some baby spinach in with a berry smoothie, the berries are so dark, you won’t even know the sinach is there! Have anyone taste test your smoothie and it is almost guaranteed that no one will know you put vegetables inside. Leafy greens are also so easy to just toss into the blender raw and mix right in with your other ingredients. It’s so easy, how could you pass that up! Anytime nutrition is simple, it is a total win.

TrustedBody has a great guide on which green superfood powders you can choose from to easily boost the nutrition of your smoothie without having to have fresh fruits and veggies on hand at all times. The goal of a smoothie is to help you get a lot of nutrients in one quick meal and a simple way to do this is to add a powdered supplement. There are plenty out there to choose from which is why it is good to do a little research first and choose the one that is best for you. Take a look at reviews that may grade how healthy the supplement is and what is in it that you may be interested in. If you are trying to add protein to your diet, there are plenty of supplement powders you can add to your smoothie that are packed with protein. Need a little more vitamin D? You can easily find a tasty powder to add to your smoothie that will greatly improve your vitamin count. Adding a powdered supplement couldn’t be easier to do. It is actually just like a well-balanced meal in a glass!

Drinking smoothies every day helps you ensure that you are getting essential vitamins without having to take a pill or supplement. This is especially true if you opt to add one of those tasty nutrition powders to your mix. You’ll be sipping on pure nutrition in no time! Of course, if you are not a big fan of powdered additives, natural nutrition is always a better option and you will be enjoying fresh fruits and veggies at the same time. It’s a win-win!

One more bonus about smoothies is that they are also very kid-friendly. Most kids will look at a smoothie and automatically think it is a milkshake and, therefore, dive right in with their straw ready! Because of this kid friendly factor, you can sneak some nutrition into your kids diet and, all the while, they will just think they are drinking a sweet snack. This makes them a favorite among families with little ones who don’t want to eat their vegetables at dinner- just mix up a smoothie! Toss some kale in with those berries, hit blend and you will be armed with a glass full of nutrition that your kid will slurp down!

Each of the smoothies on this list is at least a little sweet and always refreshing, so they can be enjoyed by just about anyone. No one is going to turn down a nice, cold refreshing smoothie, not even the pickiest of kids! So get as much nutrition as you can into that glass and then hand it to your kid, knowing that you just gave them some great nutrition.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of taking out the blender, day after day just to make your smoothies, don’t feel bad at all. It is a daunting task to have to make a healthy smoothie day in and day out. What is fantastic is that you can actually make your smoothies ahead of time. That’s right, pre-made smoothies that are low carb, taste amazing, can be loaded up with nutritious foods and will be slurped down by kids- a dream come true!

To pre make your smoothies you have to start by making a big batch of one of the smoothies on this list. Drink one smoothie right away after you blend (you know you want to!) and then pour the rest into ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can leave the smoothie in the ice cube trays or move the frozen cubes into plastic zip lock bags to free up some freezer space.

Keep the smoothie ice cubes in the freezer and whenever you are ready, just pull out a few smoothie cubes and blend. Your smoothie will be ready in no time!

If you made a little too much smoothie, try freezing the extra smoothie in popsicle molds and then eat they like an ice pop rather than drinking them from a straw. This method is just one more way to put smoothies above all others are an ideal food! Share your homemade popsicles with your kids ( a great way to cool down in the summer and get that nutrition into them while they just believe it is a regular old popsicle!

If you find a recipe that you really like for an amazing low carb smoothie, one that checks all your boxes for nutrition, taste and ease of making, make note of it! Write the recipe on a piece of paper and hang it in the fridge so you never forget (although you will likely make it so many times that you no longer need instructions.). Finding your ideal smoothie recipe shouldn’t take long and once you have it, you can really begin making smoothies part of your everyday routine, especially since you really should enjoy your smoothie and look forward to drinking it. Feel free to make a few slight alterations to your favorite smoothie recipe to really make it your own. A few chia seeds here or a handful of kale there, little changes will make the recipe even better and one you can really call your own.

Now, we have talked a lot about making your own smoothies and what to put in them and you are probably feeling like you have a good handle on that topic and are ready to start blending up some of these recipes, but what if you are out, away from your home, and were craving a smoothie? Then what should you do? The answer is simple- buy one!

There are plenty of great smoothie places you can go to get a healthy and cool treat anytime you need one. Thanks to the popularity of smoothies, smoothie bars and restaurants or coffee shops that serve smoothies are everywhere. Before placing your order, just be sure to really assess the ingredients and know what you will be drinking. Since you didn’t blend it yourself, you want to be sure you are really drinking something that has a lot of nutrition packed in.

Hidden sugars are one of the biggest culprits in store made smoothies and something you need to be cautious of. You don’t want to start sipping on a smoothie, thinking it tastes especially good for a low carb drink, just to find out that it is loaded with sugars (no wonder it tasted so great!). Ask the staff at the smoothie bar what is in the smoothie and make sure you get all the information.

Many smoothie bars actually let you customize your drink rather than just sticking to those on the menu. When you find a lace like this, take advantage! Add those extra flaxseeds to your drink and request a handful of spinach as well as a few extra berries. You are paying for the smoothie so it better have everything you want in it.

So, that is probably enough smoothie talk for you for a while but to really understand the potential of smoothie, it is important to look at them from all different angles. The bottom line is that they are delicious, versatile, nutritious and easy to make. And by now you are most likely craving a smoothie (how could you not be after all that talk about how amazing they are?!?).

Finally, it’s time to take a look at the best low carb smoothies out there and see which ones catch your eye! Time to learn more about some of the best smoothie ingredients as well as you explore these popular recipes (which fruits and veggies seem to be in almost every smoothie recipe?? Those are the ones you want to stick to and keep your eye out for when shopping for a smoothie in a store) .

Maybe, after all of this smoothie research, trials and errors and taste tests, you will start mixing up your own smoothie creations. Maybe one that you make and write about will end up on this list in the future. Maybe your low carb smoothie really is better than all the others. If so, keep blending it up! You really never need to go a day without having a smoothie…

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (12)

1. Green-Low-Carb Breakfast Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (13)

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Are you tired of getting your breakfast protein from eggs or maybe you have an egg allergy and need an alternative source of protein? This green breakfast low-carb smoothie is more on the savory side than the sweet but is still so tasty! This beverage provides at least 25 grams of protein per serving. The protein is from the addition of chia seeds and Isopure Zero Carb supplemental powder. It is loaded with fiber and nutrients from vegetables and non-sweet fruits, such as avocado. The avocado and coconut oil provide healthy fats and a creamy texture. For a caffeine kick you can add the optional green matcha, a green tea powder. A perfect blend to start your day!

2. Low-Carb Mint Chip Protein Shake

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (14)

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This shake is inspired by mint chocolate chip ice cream- who can resist that! The recipe calls for ice so that this can be served really cold, just like a frozen dessert. In fact, this shake would be a perfect substitute for a bowl of cold creamy low-carb ice cream. It is thickened with green avocado and topped with very dark chocolate chunks to give it the same texture as the dessert it emulates. Food grade peppermint essential oil or using peppermint extract that imparts the minty flavor. This essential oil is beneficial for proper digestion. Eating this shake with a spoon is encouraged- it is so thick that you will want to!

3. Creamy Keto Cinnamon Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (15)

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If you are on a ketogenic diet plan, or just want an easy low-carb meal on-the-go, the Creamy Keto Cinnamon Smoothie couldn’t simpler to make. Coconut milk and a vegetable based protein powder are the main ingredients. Cinnamon gives it a sweet and spicy essence that is perfect for the cold weather season. Cinnamon has the added benefit of being an antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial spice. So, drink up if you are feeling under the weather- you’ll be better in no time!. At 4.7 grams of net carbohydrates, this is one of the best low-carb smoothie recipes.

Related: Learn to Make Muffins like a Pro-Chef

4. Low-Carb Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (16)

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Cheesecake is a decadent, full fat, sweet, and filling dessert. This smoothie hits all those marks but without the carbohydrates in the graham cracker crust. If you want to fill up and fuel up in a hurry then this smoothie will get the job done. There is no skimping on the cream cheese and heavy cream as that is the signature of a great cheesecake. The strawberries, reminiscent of classic fruit topped cheesecakes, are the sweet component in this recipe. There is no sugar or sugar substitute- perfect for low carb dessert dieters!

5. Chai Infused Pumpkin Keto Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (17)

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Pumpkin and chai tea are the scents and flavors of autumn that inspire us to either go outside and rake leaves or bundle up next to a cozy fire with a good book. This pumpkin pie smoothie recipe is likely to get you up and moving with the kick from the spiced tea. While it is fueled by fat, it still manages to be 100% vegan and free of common allergens, such as nuts and dairy. It is perfect for a pre-workout on a fall morning. The original recipe was made fresh, organic, non-GMO pumpkin. You can also substitute canned pumpkin purée for convenience which will help you make this delicious treat in just a matter of minutes.

6. Strawberry and Cucumber Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (18)

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There is something so refreshing about the combination of strawberries and cucumbers, especially on a hot summer day. This is a low-fat and low-carb smoothie recipe that is reminiscent of a sorbet but it isn’t thick and creamy. Fresh basil is added to give it an herbal infusion and a nice extra flavor. Mint could be just as easily used in place of the basil with a slightly different flavor profile. This smoothie would quench your thirst and rejuvenate you after a cardio workout. The coconut water base will replenish any electrolytes you depleted while exercising, too.

7. Key Lime Pie Protein Shake

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (19)

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Here is another fruit smoothie that tastes more like a dessert than a healthy shake- perfect for breakfast or dessert! With only 180 calories and 36 grams of protein per serving, this tasty treat is a great post-workout snack. Unlike other low carb smoothies, this drink relies more on vanilla protein powder, cottage cheese, stevia and xanthan gum to add flavor (and a delicious flavor at that!). Just add lime juice and a little bit of vanilla instant pudding to get a truly flavorful smoothie that is hard to pass up.

8. Low-Carb Cucumber Green Tea Detox Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (20)

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Did you over-indulge during the weekend? Try a detox smoothie, like this one. It is about as clean as it gets! There is no sugar or dairy in this Monday morning cleansing drink. Cucumber and lemon are both wonderful liver detoxifiers. The matcha powder has the oomph you might need to get moving. The avocado provides both texture and the healthy monounsaturated fat needed to sustain you. Talk about having everything you need in one glass! For a more savory smoothie, just omit the liquid stevia.

9. Instant Frozen Coffee Pudding

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (21)

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Does the name of this smoothie peak your curiosity? Who doesn’t want to eat a smoothie with a spoon? And, why does coffee pudding just sound so good? Maybe it is because coffee isn’t a typical pudding ingredient. The secret to this recipe having a pudding like texture is the addition of glucomannan. Glucomannan is the water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of the konjac plant and it is basically a natural thickening agent (of course, low carb too!). This smoothie is coffee, chocolate, and caramel goodness that you just have to try.

10. Strawberries and Cream Smoothie

Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (22)

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Want to learn how to make a smoothie the right way? Try combining two classic ingredients in a blender. The Strawberries and Cream Smoothie is the perfect low-carb smoothie, combining plenty of frozen strawberries with just a little bit of milk or cream. This basic smoothie can easily be sweetened with stevia or agave or nothing at all if your strawberries are sweet enough. If you want a smoothie that is super easy to make and tastes amazing, look no further than Strawberries and Cream!

More low-carb smoothie recipes on the next page…

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Add Flavor to Your Low-Carb Diet with 50 Unique Smoothie Recipes (2024)


What is the best thing to put in a smoothie to lose weight? ›

The best green smoothies for weight loss are low in calories and high in fiber and protein. They may include ingredients like spinach, almond milk, blueberries, and avocado. For ideal health, you'll want to balance your green smoothies with nutritious whole foods.

How do you thicken a low carb smoothie? ›

Dairy milk, oat milk, and almond milk also help create a thicker consistency, compared to juice or water. A handful of raw oats add thickness to your smoothie while kicking the fiber and protein up a notch. A tablespoon of chia seeds is a natural thickener and provides healthy fats and protein.

What can you add to smoothies for extra nutrition? ›

Pre-cooked and cooled grains such as rice, oatmeal and barley can be added for additional calories and protein. Peanut butter and other nut butters, such as almond or cashew, are great ways to add protein, calories and different flavors. Protein powder or milk powder can be added to boost protein.

What is the best milk for smoothies for weight loss? ›

Best For Weight Loss

Unsweetened almond milk would be the best option as it is low in carbs, sugar, calories and has a lower fat content than most dairy milk.

What should I put in my smoothie to make it taste better? ›

Blend in some spices: Spices like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom can all help to add a subtle sweetness to your smoothie without any added sugar.

What are the best things to add to a smoothie? ›

What should I put in a smoothie?
  • Protein, such as a commercial protein powder, Greek yogurt (which is higher in protein than regular yogurt) or nut butters.
  • Fruit, including berries, mango, bananas and avocado.
  • Greens, such as spinach or kale.
  • A liquid base such as dairy or plant-based milk, water or fruit juice.

What is a low-carb banana substitute in a smoothie? ›

9 banana substitutes in smoothies
  1. Mango. Mango is one of the most common substitutes for bananas in smoothies. ...
  2. Pineapple. Pineapple is the best of both worlds: a natural smoothie thickener and a natural sweetener. ...
  3. Avocado. ...
  4. Sweet potatoes. ...
  5. Soaked cashews. ...
  6. Oats. ...
  7. Chia seeds. ...
  8. Coconut Cream.
Apr 14, 2022

Is peanut butter allowed on the keto diet? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

What ingredient thickens a smoothie? ›

Frozen ingredients are the key to creating a thick smoothie. Using fibrous, thick-fleshed fruit and vegetables can also help the texture. Adding chia seeds, avocado, yogurt, and protein powder are other thickening options.

What is the healthiest liquid to put in a smoothie? ›

If you're looking to cut calories and sugar from your diet, water is the perfect choice for liquid for smoothies. Not only is it calorie-free and sugar-free, but it's also money-free!

What can I add to my smoothie for carbs? ›

Some sources of fiber-rich carbs include bananas, berries, dark leafy greens (spinach, kale), and rolled oats. It is recommended that individuals consume 25g of fiber per day for women and 38g for men; adding these fiber-rich carbs into your smoothie can help you quickly achieve that goal!

What is the most important ingredient in a smoothie? ›

Here are a few critical ingredients to consider for your next smoothie. 1. Protein: Protein is essential for helping our bodies function and help keep us feeling full.

Is it better to use water or milk in smoothies? ›

Nutrition: Milk is a good source of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. If you are looking for a smoothie that is high in these nutrients, then milk is a good choice. Water, on the other hand, is lower in calories and fat. Taste: Milk can add a creamy texture and richness to smoothies.

What does banana and milk smoothie do? ›

Both bananas and milk are rich in nutrients and minerals, so they're generally considered a healthy option. Fitness enthusiasts love banana-milk smoothies as they help post-workout recovery. This combination also may help people lose weight and build muscles, though some experts suggest otherwise.

Why do you put almond milk in smoothies? ›

It contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, and calcium, vital for bone health. Choosing almond milk as the base of your smoothies ensures that you're not only cutting calories but also nourishing your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Are smoothies a good way to lose weight? ›

Meal Replacement Shakes/Smoothies

Research has found that in outpatient medically-monitored programs, meal replacements in liquid form, such as protein-fruit-vegetable shakes, are beneficial for weight loss. They are quick and simple and may replace a true junk food breakfast.

What not to put in a smoothie for weight loss? ›

7 Ingredients You Should Never Add to Your Weight Loss Smoothie
  1. Fruit Juice. Arguably the most common mistake people make when preparing smoothies is adding fruit juice. ...
  2. Flavored Yogurt. ...
  3. Highly Processed Protein Powders. ...
  4. Milk. ...
  5. Super Sweet Fruits. ...
  6. Added Sweeteners. ...
  7. Too Many Healthy Fats.

What is a fat burner in a smoothie? ›

Healthy fat helps with satiety, cravings, and blood sugar control. [*] They also help keep your body in fat-burning mode (when paired with low-carb intake). Healthy fats to add to your fat-burning smoothies include nuts, nut butters, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, avocado, coconut oil, and MCT oil.

What is the #1 fat burning fruit? ›

The Bottom Line

Raspberries are a favorite fruit to support weight loss because they're low in calories and high in fiber, plus they're oh-so-sweet to satisfy a sweet tooth. Check out our Healthy Raspberry Recipes to explore different ways to eat these delicious fruits.


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