Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (2024)

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I’ve made it no secret about how much I love European Christmas Markets, especially those in Germany and Austria. I have a million reasons why but I’d be lying if I said that the gluhwein wasn’t one of them. Which is funny, because back in 2011, when I first visited European Christmas markets, I didn’t like wine. But gluhwein was different. I loved the spicy sweetness of it. I loved the festive little mugs that it came in. I loved that it was the best go-to for warming up and that nobody judged me for having a mug at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I loved everything about it. And then I made the mistake of coming home back to freezing cold Canada without a gluhwein recipe.

Epic fail.

Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (1)

As Christmas came around with my family and friends, I craved gluhwein. When the snow storms hit and I have to shovel my door every hour so I didn’t get trapped inside, I craved gluhwein. And when the temperature dropped to -40C and the news forecasts were raving about extreme cold and frostbite warnings, I really craved gluhwein.

Which is why, when I went back for Christmas markets again in 2015, I made sure that I came home with an authentic gluhwein recipe.

What is Gluhwein?

So, what is gluhwein? Essentially, it’s a hot, spiced, red wine drink that has been made very popular during the winter season in Germany and Austria. At every Christmas market, you can find several gluhwein vendors, each serving their own variation of the drink. Some are sweeter, some are drier, some are spicier. You can also have it made with red wine (most common) as well as white and even rose wine. I usually try them from a couple of different vendors then choose the one I like the most and go back. (The mugs are small, ok? Don’t judge me).

What’s the History Behind Gluhwein?

Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (2)

Gluhwein actually dates back hundreds of years and the name itself, Gluhwein, translates to “glow-wine”. Which, when you think of it, makes perfect sense because once you drink it you definitely feel all warm and toasty or ‘glowy’.

While the drink is typically considered to be German, gluhwein or variants of it are popular across several European countries including not just Germany and Austria but also Scandinavian countries, France, and the Netherlands. The base of the drink, mulled wine, is the same but each country has their own mix of spices that they add to it.

Why do I need a Gluhwein Recipe? Can’t I just Buy it?

Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (3)

Yes, you can buy gluhwein in Germany and Austria by the bottle. Many of the vendors sell bottles of their own recipe that you can bring home with you. Which is nice, but, there are a few downsides to relying on this method for your gluhwein fix. Firstly, bottles are pretty heavy and you’ll have to check your luggage to get it home. Secondly, even if you do have checked luggage and lots of room, bottles can be quite fragile. The last thing anyone wants is a gluhwein explosion over all your clothes. And, most importantly, it doesn’t last forever. So what do you do when it’s gone? Let’s be honest, buying gluhwein is just prolonging the pain of knowing that you will soon be without it. Which is why you should pay attention to the next section where I share my gluhwen recipe, so you can make some at home too.

The Story Behind my Recipe

Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (4)

Before I share my magical gluhwein recipe with you, I figure you should have a bit of a backstory. After all, I’m not German or Austrian, so how do you know it’s the real deal.

Well, in December of 2015 I brought my mom to Europe to experience the Christmas markets with me. We decided to take a break from the outdoors and went for high tea at The Ritz Carleton in Vienna (swanky, I know). It was delicious but the best part was the gluhwein (I guess, technically, we went for high gluhwein rather than high tea). At the end of the tea, we waved the server over, who happened to be a nice looking young man, and I shamelessly begged him for the gluhwein recipe.

I like to think he found me charming with my Canadian accent (eh!), but it’s probably more likely that he just wanted me to leave as soon as possible. Either way, it worked because he went into the kitchen came back a short while later with a lovely, thick piece of cardstock with a hand-written recipe for ‘Traditional Austrian Gluhwein’ compliments of the chef.


It’s been a few years now since I got that gluhwein recipe and it still holds a place of honour on the side of my fridge. I’ve made it more times than I can count and am already waiting for the snow to fall so I can start up again.

Ready to try it yourself?

Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (5)


  • 2 bottles of red wine (a dry wine is the norm. Nothing expensive or fancy)
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3/4 cup of white granulated sugar
  • 6 whole cloves
  • 3 whole cinnamon sticks
  • Peels from 2 oranges


1.Boil the water with the sugar until the sugar is dissolved

2. Reduce the heat until no longer boiling, then add the cinnamon, cloves, and orange peel.

3. Reduce the heat to a simmer, then add the wine. Simmer for a minimum of thirty minutes, or up to a couple of hours. Don’t let it boil- it will boil off the alcohol.

4. Strain and serve.

Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (6)

Serving Your Gluhwein

For the best way to serve this gluhwein, you need proper mugs.

Christmas mugs.

SPECIAL Christmas mugs. After all, I bet that this gluhwein recipe will now be a part of your holiday traditions. It’s a part of mine!

For some cute/fun Christmas mugs, try these snowman mugs or this Santa mug.

Or, if you love National Lampoon, then you totally need these moose mugs.


Ready to Book Your Trip?

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Authentic Gluhwein Recipe from an Austrian Chef - Eat Sleep Breathe Travel (2024)


What does Glühwein in German mean? ›

This mulled wine recipe is for the German Glühwein, which literally translates to glow-wine, because of how you feel after you've been drinking tiny mugs outside in December.

What would you be drinking if you had Glühwein? ›

The word “Glühwein” roughly translates to “glow wine.” A traditional Glühwein typically includes a variety of spices such as cinnamon, clove, and star anise. This German mulled wine also features citrus, vanilla, and sugar. It is most often made with red wine, although you can use white wine if you prefer.

Why is my Glühwein bitter? ›

You need to infuse the wine long enough with the spices to take on their flavour but DON'T ON ANY ACCOUNT LET THE MIXTURE BOIL as you'll be left with a bitter taste. Slow and low is the way to go. And it shouldn't be served piping hot, just comfortably - and comfortingly - warm.

What wine is good for Glühwein? ›

Use dry red wine, such as Chianti or cabernet sauvignon. Don't use something you wouldn't want to sip on, but you also don't want to waste your most expensive bottles. No matter what you use, make sure you add the wine to the mixture when it is hot but not simmering (so the alcohol doesn't boil out).

What's the difference between mulled wine and Glühwein? ›

Gluhwein is the German term for a hot spiced wine (It is actually spelled gluehwein, or there are two dots, (an umlaut) over the letter 'u'). Mulled wine is an English language term for hot spiced wine. They may not taste the same because there are many recipes that people have to make hot spice wine.

What is the difference between glögg and Glühwein? ›

What is the difference between glögg and glühwein? Glögg is a popular winter drink in the Nordic countries, while glühwein is enjoyed in German-speaking countries. What connects these two drinks? Glögg is an essential part of the winter season in Sweden as well as the other Nordic countries.

Does the alcohol cook out of Glühwein? ›

With the goal of consuming the alcohol, any evaporated alcohol is a small affront to the holiday season. But fear not, hot cider, hot toddy, and mulled wine lovers: Around 85 percent of your beloved alcohol will survive the heating process.

Is Glühwein good for you? ›

The red wine base in mulled wine brings its own set of health benefits. Resveratrol is associated with heart health benefits and may help protect the lining of blood vessels, lower bad cholesterol levels, and prevent blood clots. When consumed in moderation, red wine has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

What is the shelf life of gluhwein? ›

Generally, unopened mulled wine can last anywhere from 1 to 5 years. Red wines, which are the base for mulled wine, tend to have a longer shelf life compared to white wines due to their higher tannin content and acidity.

What happens if you boil gluhwein? ›

Do not allow to boil – this burns off the alcohol (unless you want a non-alcoholic, mulled drink.) Strain and scoop into glasses or mugs when ready.

How do you keep gluhwein warm? ›

The thermos will keep it nice and warm, and it will be easy to serve without having to go to the kitchen. Re-heat it – If you make mulled wine in a pot, you can always put that pot back on the stove and re-heat the wine. As long as you don't bring it to a boil, the flavour of the wine won't be affected.

Does Trader Joes have Glühwein? ›

Here in the States, they call it Hark and Holly Glühwein. And at Trader Joe's, we call it one of our favorite ways to keep warm during the holidays.

What to eat with Glühwein? ›

Festive Sweets: Traditional Christmas treats like gingerbread, mince pies, or stollen are an excellent pairing. Their spices harmonise with the wine's own blend of cinnamon, cloves, and star anise. Savoury Snacks: Try a glass with some pigs in blankets, sausage rolls, or even a simple bruschetta.

Should Glühwein be served warm or cold? ›

As we point out in the below directions, Glühwein is served hot and should be sipped slowly just as you would with a fresh cup of coffee. Of course, you do not have to splurge on crystal glassware to sip Gluhwein. A regular mug is a fine alternative.

What is the literal translation of Glühwein? ›

Gluhwein, literally translated as "glow wine", is traditionally served in German speaking countries.

What is the difference between sangria and Glühwein? ›

Glühwein is usually made with spices and served hot, sangria is served cold and uses fruit. Nonetheless they have the same ancestor. So is sangria typically Spanish, it's arguable. But when done well it makes for refreshing summer aperitif.

What is Glühwein wine in English? ›

Glühwein (roughly translated as "smouldering-wine", from the temperature the wine is heated to) is popular in German-speaking countries, the Germany-bordering Alsace region of France, and to a lesser extent Russia. It is a traditional beverage offered during the Christmas holidays.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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